Red Cross Info
Speed To The

Soldier/N.C.O. Month


Trip to Kuwait

Camp Virginia

Camp Virginia Page 2

Road to FOB Endurance

New Mission Pics

Red Cross Info

Contact the 542 TC



Here you can find helpful info on information on contacting the Red Cross in the event of an Emergency.

Visit the red cross at by simply clicking here.



The following infomation will need to be sudmitted to the red cross in case of emergeny and you Soldier needs to return home.

Soldiers Full Name:

Soldiers Rank/Grade:

Military Branch:

Social Security number:

Military Address: 542 TC Med Truck Co. Kingsbury, Indiana, 46345

RED Cross Contacts: 1-312-729-6100 8:30 am to 4:45 pm Mon-Fri(central time)

Red Cross Website:

Website instructions: Click on Services and then click on Emergency  Communication Services.

Important notice: Make sure you get the Red Cross Confirmation Number !!!








Page designed and managed by Cpl. Galardo